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Petition to Revoke Approval for Melbourne Airport’s Third Runway

Petition EN6689 to the House of Representatives of the Australian Parliament

We ask the House to ensure the voices of concerned citizens in Melbourne’s West are heard. We seek approval based on independent risk assessments and for communities’ rights to respond. We ask for immediate halt to shortening the East-West runway and to permanently avoiding planes only using North-South runway. We ask for independent investigation into Airservices Australia’s conduct to ensure public needs are prioritised over airport interests. We ask for Avalon Airport to be considered as a suitable alternative in order create flight capacity. We seek independent noise monitoring in all impacted suburbs, immediately. We seek establishment of a night curfew, restriction to flight numbers and full compensation for affected residents. We need immediate action, prioritising the community and environment.

#1: Stop the proposed Third Runway at Melbourne Airport petition

I object to the development of a Third Runway on the following grounds:

The 3rd runway will

• Be too noisy. The health, wellbeing, learning and cognitive function of residents and workers neighbouring the Third Runway will be damaged. In Australia, communities are subjected to levels of aircraft noise well beyond WHO recommendations and have no legal protection against it. There are no limits to the loudness or number of incidents around Melbourne Airport at any time of the day or night — no caps, no curfew — an no compensation is available to residents who are affected by aircraft noise.

• Be way too warming. The proposed Third Runway will contribute to increasing global heating emissions, right when the climate emergency requires us to rapidly reduce emissions across society.

• Clearfell endangered woodlands. 

We respect your privacy. Your information will be stored in a private database, will not be passed onto anyone without your consent and will only be used to contact you about this specific campaign.

#2: Undertake independent EIS and a Health Impacts Assessments petition 

I demand that the following independent assessments be undertaken and made publicly available, before the MDP goes to the federal Transport Minister for approval:

• An Environment Impact Assessment including of the increased global heating flight emissions enabled by the Third Runway, together with an “Avoidance Plan” for the assessed impacts. 

A new and overdue study of community responses to aircraft noise in Australia.

• A review of the methodology used to forecast aircraft noise because existing noise forecasting methodology may be inaccurate. 

• A study of actual aircraft noise in residential areas around Australian airports, because our understanding of community tolerance of aircraft noise is likely outdated. 

We respect your privacy. Your information will be stored in a private database, will not be passed onto anyone without your consent and will only be used to contact you about this specific campaign.


715 petitioners have signed on.


625 petitioners have signed on.
