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The federal transport minister is currently assessing Melbourne Airport’s Major Development Plan for its proposed Third Runway.

While the M3R MDP is assessed by the Federal Transport Minister, the Victorian State Government also has multiple obligations to fulfil.

The additional runway will necessitate the destruction of woods and grasslands, dramatically increase the CO2 emissions of the airport and have a range of damaging health effects on local residents.

If you are concerned about ensuring that the Victorian Government fulfils its obligations and you live in any of the following Victorian state electorates then please email your local state government MP now, using the prepared form below.

Broadmeadows MP Frank McGuire • Essendon MP Danny Pearson • Footscray MP Katie Hall • Niddrie MP Ben Carroll • Pascoe Vale MP Lizzie Blandthorn • St Albans MP Natalie Suleyman • Sunbury MP Josh Bull • Sydenham MP Natalie Hutchins • Williamstown MP Melissa Horne • Yuroke MP Ros Spence
