Action > Divest your super fund

Melbourne Airport is managed by Australia Pacific Airports (Melbourne) Pty Ltd (APAM), a subsidiary of Australia Pacific Airports Corporation (APAC). And APAC is 25 per cent owned by IFM Investors. Besides its share in Melbourne Airport IFM Investors also owns 20 per cent of Brisbane Airport, 13 per cent of Adelaide Airport, and a stake in Perth Airport.
Industry super funds and the Melbourne Airport Corporation

IFM Investors is an Australian investment management company specialising in debt investments, infrastructure, listed equities and private equity. It manages more than $150 billion in assets.

IFM Investors have been a signatory to the United Nations supported Principles for Responsible Investment since 2008 and claim to adhere to our their Environmental, Social and Governance Policy. They are also a member of ESG Research Australia and the Investor Group on Climate Change. Their approach to responsible investment is closely aligned to the United Nations Global Compact, which enjoys global consensus and supports a set of core principles in human rights, labour standards, environment and governance.

IFM Investors is owned by major not-for-profit Australian superannuation funds including the following Industry Super Funds.

Industry super funds investing in the proposed 3rd runway at Melbourne Airport through IFM Industry Super Funds:

(for their contact details see below)

  • Australian Catholic Superannuation Retirement Fund
  • Australian Super
  • Care Super
  • CBUS
  • Equip
  • First Super
  • Hesta
  • HostPlus
  • LGIA Super
  • LUCRF Super
  • Media Super
  • Mercy Super
  • Mine
  • NGS Super
  • REI Super
  • Spirit Super
  • Statewide Super
  • Sun Super
  • TWU Super
  • Uni Super
  • Vision Super

See contact details below.

Contact your super fund

You can email or phone your super fund (if it is listed at left) with your concerns about it divesting from the Third Runway. 

You can use all, or parts, of the following text, as you see fit. You can also include, as you wish, relevant objections listed on the Dodgy economics page and/or the Lack of transparency page. And the quotes from super fund websites and/or Annual Reports, listed with fund contact details, below left, reference the fund’s climate commitments.  

And feel free to email us any feedback your fund provides, at

I am a member of [insert your super fund name] and I’m concerned about my fund’s investment, through IFM Investors, in Melbourne Airport’s proposed Third Runway. 

The proposed Third Runway at Melbourne Airport will enable increased flight emissions right when they must be decreased. 

Yet the fund has a stated committment to minimise its exposure to climate risk.

To responsibly align with this committment please divest from APAC  

The Fund’s APAC investment would be better invested in renewables-electrified rail infrastructure, including High Speed Rail. 

Industry Super Fund contact details

Australian Catholic Superannuation Retirement Fund
T: 1300 658 776 • E:

Australian Super
“We’re taking significant actions to ensure we actively manage the risks and opportunities of climate change.”
T: 1300 300 273 • E:

Priority investment goal “to take action to tackle climate change and its impacts … and manage climate risks and how that impacts [investment] portfolios.”
T: 1800 692 877 • E:

Care Super
“We encourage companies to disclose climate change risk in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures’ (TCFD) recommendations.”
T: 1300 360 149 • E:

“Climate change creates both investment risks and opportunities for the Fund’s investments and reflects the need to advocate for an orderly transition to a climate resilient economy.”
T: 1300 361 784 • E:

Equip Super
“We will incorporate climate change considerations and our commitments into our risk management process.”
T: 1800 682 626 • E:

First Super
T: 1300 360 988 • E:

“Climate Change Transition Plan outlines our strategy to achieve a 33% reduction in portfolio carbon emissions by 2030.”
T: 1800 813 327 • E:

“Hostplus takes climate change and its associated risks very seriously and has implemented … systems, policies and processes to ensure that consideration of climate-related financial risks is embedded in operational and reporting frameworks across the fund.”
T: 1300 467 875 • E:

LGIA Super
T: 1800 444 396 • E:

“We believe that environmental (including climate change), social and governance opportunities and risks exist and should be taken into consideration to the extent we can practically do so and within the context of optimising net risk-adjusted returns.”
T: 1300 130 780

Media Super
“Media Super … believe that climate change risk applies to all investment asset classes and we will assess this risk across all our investment options.”
T: 1800 640 886 • E:

Mercy Super
“We aim to invest responsibly by supporting positive environmental, social and governance initiatives where it is practical to do so.”
T: 1300 368 891 • E:

“Securities and markets with poor ESG credentials are exposed to elevated levels of risk that may not be reflected in valuations.”
T: 13 64 63 • E:

NGS Super
“NGS Super [assesses] the risks and opportunities of climate change … contribute[s] to achieving the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, [and] ensure[s] that the Fund’s investments, members’ money, is being used to support the global commitment to reducing climate change [including] limiting exposure to fossil fuel companies in our portfolio.”
T: 1300 133 177

REI Super
T: 1300 13 44 33

Spirit Super
“We incorporate into our investment strategy [the specific climate change-related risk of] the physical impact of climate change on investments from weather change, including acute weather events and changing weather patterns.”
T: 1800 005 166 • E:

Statewide Super
“Whilst Statewide Super is concerned about the impacts of climate change, [it] is well-positioned to engage with the boards and senior management of companies exposed to climate-related risks to encourage change [including] commitments to measure and reduce emissions.”
T: 1300 65 18 65 • E:

Sun Super
“Sunsuper’s Climate Action Plan outlines activities we are undertaking to improve our understanding of, and prudently manage, climate-related investment risks and opportunities.”
T: 13 11 84

TWU Super
“When exercising our voting rights on climate-related proposals, we consider ISS’ Sustainability Proxy Voting Guidelines. Under these Guidelines, we generally support proposals that … call for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions or disclosure of a company’s emissions goals.”
T: 1800 222 071 • E:

Uni Super
“We expect the companies we invest in to have a proactive approach to reducing emissions, an understanding of the climate risks embedded in their assets/businesses and transparent disclosure explaining their activities and actions.”
T: 1800 331 685 • E:

Vision Super
“Climate change is one of the biggest risks we consider because it will have a massive impact right across the economy, and the actions we take now will have a positive effect later.”
T: 1300 300 820
