Jul '23
July 26, 2023
On 25 July 2023 members of the No 3rd Tulla Runway Coalition met with Melton Council CEO Sheena Frost, Director of City Planning & Places Rachel Dapiran and Acting Coordinator Growth Area Planning David Hajzler, to discuss concerns about the third runway at Melbourne Airport.
Matters raised
- Ultra Fine Particle Pollution: Serious illnesses from Ultra fine Particles (UFPs) due to increased emissions from more aircraft and traffic being carried by wind up to 20km from airports
- Noise harms: Children’s language development is impacted by small increases in environmental noise. Children learning in English as a second language need quiet learning environments. Negative health impacts related to stimulation of the stress response from sudden noise events
- Global warming emissions impacts: Considering the frightening reality of current climate events in the northern hemisphere we should not be increasing emissions by enabling more flights.
- Environmental impacts: Removal of a total 3 square km of trees and grasses and loss of species that rely on them (frogs and Swift parrot). Threats to water and land from digging up and repurposing polluted soil (PFAS).
- Issues with the airport operator APAM: Community concerns, reported since the 2013 Master Plan, have not been addressed by APAM. APAM puts forward plans that increase aircraft noise and impacts health and environment. APAM justifies runway on economic grounds and avoids responsibility for harmful consequences.
Questions on notice and action requests
- What action will Hume Council take to offset the dangers of Urban heating to this community, that a third runway will exacerbate due to increased emissions, and the removal of green space and development of hard impervious infrastructure at Melbourne airport to accommodate more passengers and flights?
- How will Hume Council monitor and act to protect its community from the health consequences from exposure to increased UFPs from aircraft emissions and freight and passenger vehicles servicing this airport?
- What action will Hume Council take to support the survival of the Swift parrot and the Growling Grass Frog and protect the integrity of waterways and land that are threatened by the airport expansion?
- So that it is accountable to its ratepayers on its Northern Alliance for Greenhouse Action zero carbon commitment, how is Council measuring, and reporting to ratepayers, emissions reductions within Hume?
- Insofar as the airport is a business within Hume, will Council consider opposing approval of the MDP until Melbourne Airport reports the full flight emissions accounting for a 3rd runway?
- If, despite its NAGA commitments, Council doesn’t oppose the additional emissions enabled by a 3rd runway, then can we ask, seriously, what is the level of additional flight emissions from Melbourne Airport that Council would oppose?
- Request, via FOI, the Quigley & Watts health assessment and peer review be released.
- Make representation to ensure EPA Victoria air quality monitoring is compliant with the Victorian Environmental Reference Standard (ERS) February 2022, to include NEPM No.2 standard and more stringent SO2 and O3 standards.
- Commission and publish an independent health assessment, including noise and air quality on the plans and forecasts contained in the draft Third Runway MDP and 2022 Master Plan.
- Write to the Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Catherine King, that the community consultation process was inappropriate and inadequate and was not consistent with the Airport Act 1996, Part 5, Division 4, Section 92 (2A)(a)(b).
- Commission an assessment to: establish aircraft noise levels within and beyond the ANEF contour areas; identify the number of dwellings and sensitive buildings requiring noise attenuation treatment; and establish cost estimates.
- Refer the Third Runway MDP as a controlled action under Commonwealth Environment Act 1999.
- Assist in the provision of suitable community venues for the No3rdTullaRunway coalition to conduct community meetings of concerned residents.
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