No 3rd Tulla Runway Coalition Mission Statement

Our aim

The No 3rd Tulla Runway coalition aims to ensure that a third runway at Melbourne Airport is not built.

Who we are

The No 3rd Tulla Runway coalition is a grassroots campaign of community volunteers concerned about the impact of the aviation industry on communities and the climate, and determined to give a voice to concerned residents and the general public. The coalition respects the diversity of reasons members may have for opposing a third runway at Melbourne Airport. Whilst we acknowledge there are alternatives to a third runway, we neither endorse nor object to any. We are not aligned with any political party, neither do we endorse any political party or politician. Nonetheless, we welcome support from political parties, politicians and candidates at all levels of government to achieve our goal.

We are also part of the Community Aviation Alliance Australia (CAAA) at network of community groups campaigning on behalf of residents affected by aviation operations.

The Coalition wants to keep in touch with residents’ views and expectations about the planned Third Runway development at Melbourne Airport. So email us at .

Why we are against a 3rd runway

A third runway will have negative and direct impacts physically, mentally, emotionally and financially to hundreds of thousands of people living, learning and working around a third runway and under its flightpaths. The increased greenhouse gas emissions and subsequent global warming enabled by a third runway will negatively and directly impact all Australians. A third runway will also contaminate the surrounding area with toxic chemicals and cause harm to people, our beautiful and unique wildlife, and destroy local flora, including protected woodland, that must be preserved for future generations.

How we work

Through our advocacy work, we inform community leaders and citizens of the consequences of approving Melbourne Airport’s Third Runway, or indeed, any runway development at Melbourne Airport. We continue to seek consultation with state and federal members of parliament and advocate through rallies, protests, community consultation and media outreach.
